you know the problem - you are just about to blast your way into the alien HQ when - blam - your Xbox 360 freezes! not only that, but its been doing it more and more recently. Well, if your Xbox 360 console keeps freezing up you there are some things that you can do to fix this problem by yourself. Xbox 360 problems happen to nearly one third of all consoles according to Microsoft, so you are not alone. The main reason for your Xbox 360 freezing up is the build up of heat in the systems causing it to overheat. The Xbox 360 runs very hot on the inside while gaming is taking place. These overworked components soon fail when to much heat builds up causing your XBox 360 to freeze without warning.
When you first experience Xbox 360 freezing due to overheating you should immediately place the Xbox near a window or a door to cool it down. Your Xbox is not designed with the best internal cooling systems and ambient room temperature can have a major effect. This is one of the most common problems and placing it near a window is one of the easiest ways to cool the system down. However, sometimes this is just not enough.
The second reason for your Xbox 360 keeps freezing up could be an internal hardware problem. Your Xbox indicates a hardware problem by displaying three red lights. This is commonly known as the Rings of Death, and as its name suggests is not a good thing. This matter is more serious and needs fast attention. Microsoft would love to have you send in the gaming console to them so they can charge you while you wait six weeks for it to be fixed. The truth is you can fix your Xbox 360 yourself with a simple guide and can have the problem solved in about an hour.
There are many guides available to download - remember the best ones have video guides, and its easy to learn from a step-by-step guide that will ensure that if the problem occurs again you will be able to repair it and continue gaming within the hour.
When my Xbox 360 started to freeze I visited this site and bought their number one guide - I save $100 by investing an hour of my time. You should try it.x
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