Has your Xbox 360 recently developed three flashing red lights, otherwise known as the Red Ring of death? You may also have experienced other problems such as overheating, graphics errors or even complete freezes. It may be no consolation but you should know that you are not alone. Although most people agree that the Xbox 360 is one of the best games consoles around it still suffers from a serious technical defect that means that you have to ship it back to Microsoft or performer repairs yourself
Although it is possible that the overheating issues can be fixed and you can get rid of the Xbox 360 Ring of death, for example by putting the console in a more ventilated area, or, heaven forbid trying the notorious 'Towel Trick', these are only temporary fixes. Microsoft will perform repairs for you, as long as your Xbox 360 is still a warranty, the whole process takes around four weeks and can cost you up to $150. Even after all that there is no guarantee that your Xbox 360 will not suffer from the Red Ring of Death again
However, the Xbox 360 Red Ring of death is actually very simple to fix. In order to fix the error all you really need are some simple household tools, such as screwdrivers, and a good Repair Guide. The best Repair Guides, not only come with an e-book giving detailed descriptions of the errors and how to fix them, but also with a series of high definition video walk-throughs to make the job quick, painless and error free. Many people have reported good results using these guides, and typically a repair takes no more than an hour to complete. In fact, it's possible to make some extra income either buying faulty Xbox 360's from auction sites such as eBay, or repairing faulty Xbox 360s for friends. If you do this then you will pay for the cost of the guide in no time at all.
So there you have it, don't throw your Xbox 360 in the bin if it suffers from the Red Ring of death. Just head on over to this website which lists the best Xbox 360 repair guides available today. Your Xbox 360 will be up and running again in no time at all.
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